Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Beach Fun...

Peter Meyers, from the airport just sent me some photos of his aircraft and another, sitting on a beach on the west coast of Vancouver Island. I'm looking forward to joining them on their next flight over! Beautiful.

In the meantime ... I tried to takeoff this morning in my Zenair CH601HDS -- but when the aircraft was getting light on it's wheels and I glanced down to confirm my instrument readings, I saw the airspeed was still firmly frozen on zero.

So I cut the power and returned to the parking area. For the next hour or so Peter and I (with a bunch of the usual airport gang watching on), fiddled and poked and soaked the inside of the pitot tube until the blockage finally gave way. It seemed to be a larva/mud nest of some sort. Either I forget to install my pitot tube cover sometime last year, or the little beasty found a way inside the cover anyway.

After re-connecting the tubes, I had time for three quick circuits. The airplane is flying well and looks like it's ready for action. Again. Finally...

(Waiting for departure, Runway 22, CST3, July 2006)

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