Sunday, January 20, 2008

Joshua 'fit the battle of Jericho...

I'm participating in a joint effort with some other church members to read the bible in just 90 days. It's a challenge. But, I got through the "begats" of Genesis, and the meticulous and often bizarre details of law-keeping lists in Leviticus... whew!

Now, as I move into the book of Joshua, it's interesting to link Biblical events with archaeological evidence. While it can be a self-defeating trap to try to "prove" the bible by archaeology (thereby raising doubt in the bible when the archaeology is used to refute it), it is fun to watch the evidence as it unfolds.

For example, while it's proven that the walls of Jericho did collapse and the city was burned, there continues to be controversy over how the biblical timelines and the historical timelines overlap. It's also interesting to note the concurrent widespread destruction across Canaan:
Kenyon's date of around 1550 BC is widely accepted based on this methodology of dating. Notably, many other Canaanite cities were destroyed around this time.

And we're still singing about it some 3,500 years later - cool:
Check this classic version by Mahalia Jackson: (click for the link)...

And the Seycove Junior Concert Choir in Nelson, B.C. gives a good performance:

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