He wanders around the bird refuge like King of the Roost - pretty much having the run of the Welcome Room and the Wellness Center. He climbs up into several different cages to perch, or commune with the various residents. He's one of the gentlest and most charming birds at the refuge.
When guests arrives he's often found welcoming them with a hearty cry of "Hi (L)Ester" as he marches confidently over to them, high stepping happily along in his pigeon-toed bounce (or should that be parrot-toed?) We're never sure if he's introducing himself as Lester or Esther - (apparently he's a male) so I'll just call him Esther-Lester. Because of his affectionate ways he's often called "Esther Lester Pester." He is the proto-typical Mollucan Cockatoo of whom it has been said: "They would surgically attach themselves to you if they could". They're just that affectionate.
Today Lester charmed France after she'd been cuddling him a while. He marched around the compound until he found a scrap of paper. This he picked up and marched back over to France and placed the paper on France's foot. France placed it back into his beak and picked the bird up. At which point Lester carefully inserted the paper into the front of France's coat as if to say: "It's for you! Don't drop it."
Later in the day, after more cuddles, I saw Lester Esther find a peanut on the floor under another cage. Again he took this and set it down in front of France. She picked him up then picked up the peanut and tried to give it back to him. He just stared at her as if to say: "Hey, are you dense or something!? It's another gift!"
He then cuddled into her arms and promptly fell asleep.
What a Don Juan!
By the way. Esther-Lester has a large cancer tumor on his tail-end. He received several treatments for it, but finally he was getting too ill. A tumor reduction surgery was performed and for now the cancer seems to be in remission. I don't know how much longer we'll have the wonder of his company, but he's an inspiration. If I ever face a serious illness, I hope I can weather it with the sweetness and charm and just plain Joy of Life as little Esther-Lester.
1 comment:
Francey's quite the charmer herself!
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