Sunday, October 2, 2011

Autumnal Voyages - part 1

These are the Autumnall 2011 Voyages of the RV Ship, Westy. It's ten day mission - find 100 Mile House, then Edmonton and return safely to Nanaimo.

Day 1: Hitching a ride on the Good Ship Alberni, the Westy and its valiant crew left behind the comfortable climes of Vancouver Island and headed off into the terrible regions of City-Topia aka Vancouver City and Suburbs. This is a sprawling planet of endless, teaming masses of vehicles and peoples...

I dropped off a microwave and some housekeeping items for Paul and his new apartment. We had a short, pleasant visit during which questions of dog poop arose along with aroma of same. Neither of us could detect the source, of course checking carefully the soles of our shoes. Later however, I detected some brown foreign matter on the side of my shoe which idicated that some canine fecal matter had likely been encountered.

I eventually escaped City-Topia but not without one wrong turn, or rather a missed turn that sent me on a side trip along Marine Drive. I regained the outbound routing via Highway 99 and the Route 10 to the old Fraser Highway, connecting to Route 11 in Abbotsford. This took me across the Fraser river, over to Mission and then finally into the quiet country driving I enjoy.

At supper time I came upon my rest stop for the night at Spence's Bridge. I am almost the only vehicle in the RV campsite and enjoying views of the North Thompson? River as well as the CN and CP rail lines along the canyon... Here comes another train right now. Hang on!!

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