Here is some preliminary data from Dr. Marshall regarding the response-rate of patients with various manifestations of Th1-Inflammatory Diseases. While Sarcoidosis was the original thrust of the research and protocol, the evidence began to suggest that others might also benefit from the protocol. This has largely proven to be true as folks with various chronic illnesses have reported progress - often very dramatic. Others have struggled, especially in the beginning, seeing no sudden improvements or even a worsening of symptoms. This is explained by Dr. Marshall as the difficult adjustments our bio-chemistry and hormonal systems must go through as the bacteria are killed.
My personal experience seems to bear this out. More about that later. For now, here are two more slides:
1. Patients on protocol / vs. patients experiencing recovery (remission? cure?)

2. This slide is very interesting as it reveals some surprising resolutions of other conditions that were not originally expected. It does lend some credence to the idea that intra-cellular bacterial infection is more wide-spread and causing more illness than we realized:

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