Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Allegory of Life...?

I like the way this video 'plays out' like a melo-dramatic Great Allegory for the current human predicament.

It is something we all need - The Great Hero Story - to create in us a calling toward the best of what we are to be - and to avoid descending into the worst of what we can be... And this Great Story is told in the Bible... As someone recently said - If Jesus hadn't existed, we'd have had to make him up.

Now how much of the story is a literary device to find the sense of our existence out of our circumstances, and how much is God's revelation either in Allegory or in Actual Living Events -- well that's a choice we are all free to make.

Personally, I believe that an Omnipotent God can easily tell His-Story (History - get it? ;-) in real life events. But either way, it's the heart of the story that is important and the ultimate effect it has on our lives and how we choose to live.

Many have chosen to turn the Bible story into a nightmare for themselves and others - one way or another. Sad! But others have chosen to make the story a blessing for themselves and others. I think that's the point. As God said to Abraham of his descendants: "I will make you a blessing to all the peoples of the earth..." In fact, I'd go so far as to say that what we choose to do with the story, is ultimately how God's judgment is worked out. We all reveal who we are by what we choose.

Anyway, here's the first part of the video (embedded below).
Here's a page where the entire series is listed and linked:

Light of the World (part 1):

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