Monday, April 23, 2007

Woodstock in Coombs

The bird, not the music concert...

The Parrot Refuge is now home to these two very precious cockatoos:

If you look closely at the little fella on your right, I think you'll see a strong resemblance to this famous bird from the Charlie Brown comic strips - Woodstock:
The resemblance is even more apparent when you see his profile.

The two birds were kept in a cage barely big enough for one love-bird (you can see the top of it in the photo) for something like 18 years - with one useless 'toy' to keep them company. Since they've arrived at the refuge the expression I see in their eyes is one of great relief. They seem to be thinking: "This must be heaven! I'm so glad to be here!"

Woodstock is very shy about strangers approaching him, but today when he saw me eating a granola bar he came closer and asked to have it. It was almost as big as his head. He took it over to the far side of his cage-top and slowly munched down the whole thing. What a cutie.

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