If you don't know what the
World Parrot Refuge is, check out the previous post.
Here are a couple of the residents just 'hanging out'...

Parrots are intelligent little creatures who need social interaction and stimulation. One way to keep them occupied is to give them plenty of wood and other things to chew and pull apart.

They go through toys and branches and always need more to "play" with...

David is the 'crew chief' (that's just my description - don't know if it's his real job title), and he sets me to work making some new toys for the birds.

We have bags and bags of abandoned toys from the local SOS 'thrift' store...

And lots of STUFFIES too. Some parrots just like to cuddle...

My job is to string these old toys and some chunks of clean wood, onto wire to make dangling, colorful chew-toys of various sizes. Some don't have holes and need to be drilled.

I sorted them into piles to have quick access to some general size categories when I need them. David explained it's best to have the small toys at the bottom of a chain so if/when the parrots perch on the toy, the droppings won't collect on larger toys below...

Here are some finished toys -- laid out on the floor...

And here's a love bird who seems to be expressing his gratitude for all the nice toys!

Judith runs the gift shop and reception area. She's obtained a great variety of interesting , bird-related souvenirs and gifts.

A local artist produced these portraits of the birds and donated them to the gift shop to help raise funds. This and other ways of supporting the refuge are gratefully accepted!
I'll keep you posted as my adventures continue. I missed my Monday session this week as I was travelling. But I plan to make this a regular 'thing'...